
And a Little Bit More

And a Little Bit More

As the young sales professional entered my office for a 15-minute coaching session arranged by his General Manager, I could sense his anxiety as our discussion began. After some small talk, we turned our attention to his big question.

The Sophisticated Beggar

The Sophisticated Beggar

During a business trip to Edmonton, I encountered someone who made an indelible impression on me. In fact, he captured my attention, made me laugh, and he even closed the master closer. He did all of this in a matter of minutes by following several basic selling principles.

Developing Analysis Skills

Developing Analysis Skills

One of the most important competencies a leader will ever develop is the ability to use analysis skills prior to making key decisions. There is a true art and science to this important component of leadership. As a leader, your legacy will be built on the decisions you make on a consistent basis. Let's examine why this is so important.

My Name Is Grady Jackson

My Name Is Grady Jackson

Twenty-five years ago, an incredible man came into my life named Grady W. Jackson. I met Grady in the showroom of an automotive dealership in Illinois while marketing a sales program. He was energy in a bottle. I still say to this day, he had the best smile of anyone I have ever known. Grady could go in a pitch black room and literally light it up. He was a spark plug, and his natural enthusiasm was infectious.