Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead in 2018, from the entire Paul Cummings Team!
As we begin another new year, we are reminded that January is a month for celebrating new beginnings and fresh starts. In fact, many people will buy a weekly or monthly calendar for planning out the year ahead. I believe it is important to have some tangible way to document all the things you are planning and scheduling to do over the coming year. Regardless of what you do in life, you must have the self-discipline to manage your time well, prepare your tasks, plan the execution of your day, and then, of course, you have to hustle!
Taking the time to plan is a part of preparation. We've all heard the old saying: "If you fail to plan, you can plan to fail.” Those words and sentiments have been passed on for years because that statement is true!
I believe that planning is one of the keys to daily success. So, here are a few questions for you to think about each day. They are taken from my Paying the Price Toolkit (which can be found in my latest book, It All Matters) and they will help get you started and focused on achieving success, as you begin your own daily planning journey in 2018.
1. What time each day will I begin pursuing my goals?
2. How many minutes each day will I devote to practicing my skill or talent?
3. What good book will I read from each day to inspire me?
4. What time will I review my daily action plan each day?
5. How much time will I spend planning for my day?
Can you imagine the power of operating with a detailed action plan like this every day? Can you imagine how it would affect your efficiency and execution every day? How drastically could it affect your level of focus? How would it affect your attitude and enthusiasm?
Trust me when I tell you that planning is a way to ensure you are putting in the work to win each and every day. When you do it, it truly is exhilarating! Success has a way of brightening up a person's day, and a well-planned day is bound to bring you tremendous success. The day you decide to execute a well-designed action plan is the day you are willing to pay the price required for ultimate success.
Remember, that unexpected things will happen, even when you do plan. However, a well-planned day creates the most opportunity for success, and even makes the inevitable interruptions mere stepping stones to your success rather than allowing them to become roadblocks. Planning maximizes opportunities, but it is just as important to remain flexible and adaptable in your approach.
Commitments, plans, and actions are all secret ingredients that will turn your goals and dreams into reality. Nothing is impossible if you are willing to pay the price required for ultimate victory. Success is not free. Planning, preparation, and hard work are all going to be required, and the amount of daily effort that you put into each day really matters because, in the end, every day matters. It All Matters.
You have within yourself the power to take massive action each day, an action that will forever change your destiny. The only question is: are you willing to begin that journey? It's a brand new year, so what are you waiting for? It's time to start over and to start fresh. You owe it to yourself and to the other people in your life to begin each day with a plan for genuine greatness.
To find out more about the Paying the Price Toolkit and My Daily Activity Plan, order your copy of my latest book, It All Matters!
It All Matters.
How can you live a life of real intention and purpose instead of duty and obligation? It All Matters offers one hundred and twenty-five life-changing strategies to inspire you and help you to develop your skill sets, build more knowledge, improve your attitude, and develop work habits that truly pay off. When you read It All Matters, you join me as your personal coach. I'll ask you questions that challenge you to find your "It"...inspire you to define your "All"... and encourage you to begin your journey towards greatness so that you can determine what truly “Matters.”
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