As 2017 draws to a close, we can see all of the “end of the year” festivities now in full swing. There’s extra cheer filling the office, there’s holiday parties happening and there’s an overall “spirit of giving” found everywhere around us. It really is true, that it’s in our giving that we find our true selves.
“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”
When we think of “giving”, remember that it doesn’t always have to be tangible items. We can give of our time and we can also give of our expertise, as we pour into the lives of others. My grandfather was one of those examples. His greatest legacy will be the gifts of his wisdom that were poured out to so many people, including myself, and for this wonderful gift, I will be forever grateful. Those are the kinds of gifts that people will cherish the most.
I want to encourage you to take some extra time this month to walk around your organization and truly thank the people in every department that have contributed to your company’s success throughout this past year. Take the time to “lock eyes” and “shake hands” with the people that have given their time and their talents all year long, to make your organization what it is today! Let them know that what they have given is a true gift to you and to your company!
I want to encourage you to always be a cheerful giver with your time and talents. You can make a difference in the lives of others, every single day, by giving what only you can give. So, what is it that only you can give back?
Maybe it’s mentoring a team member at your office that could benefit from your expertise?
Maybe it’s spending some time at a local charity and just pouring into the lives of the people in your community.
Maybe it’s using your past athletic experiences and volunteering to coach a youth sports team.
One of the messages that I really try to “drive home” whenever I have the opportunity to speak to a group of individuals, is that you’re remarkable, you’re one of a kind, and you’re unique, and the world needs what only you have to give back to it.
So, take some time today, and do an inventory of your gifts and talents. See what it is, that only you can give back to others in order to make a difference in our world. What you have to give to others might seem insignificant to you, however, it just might mean the world to them. Choose today to give back whatever it is that you can because in the end, It All Matters.
Make a difference today,
P.S. The Christmas tree pictured at the top of this post is the one in my home in Tennessee!
How can you live a life of real intention and purpose instead of duty and obligation? It All Matters offers one hundred and twenty-five life-changing strategies to inspire you and help you to develop your skill sets, build more knowledge, improve your attitude, and develop work habits that truly pay off. When you read It All Matters, you join me as your personal coach. I'll ask you questions that challenge you to find your "It"...inspire you to define your "All"... and encourage you to begin your journey towards greatness so that you can determine what truly “Matters.”
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