
The Power of Giving Thanks

The Power of Giving Thanks

An old truism appropriately says, “It is not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy.” It’s that time of year again when we celebrate Thanksgiving, and we gather around tables filled with delicious food and a huge sense of gratitude. We focus on things we’re grateful for, and there seems to be a heightened sense of the proverbial “attitude of gratitude” all around.

Jump for Joy

Jump for Joy

Ok - this blog post isn't a serious collection of words designed to make you have a moment of deep reflection. In fact, I am not even certain it was written to foster any semblance of deeper understanding. I know for certain I didn't have any key steps to follow in my mind when I sat down to write. I simply had a thought that I had to share, and I hope it produces a few moments of fun and joy for my readers. 

Envision Your Life

Envision Your Life

Many times when I sit down to write, it's because a story or a simple quote runs through my mind as a catalyst for a lesson. Today, I'm thinking of all the people who have blessed me as students over the last 32 years. I'm thinking of the dads and moms who have brought their children to my events. What a humbling experience that has been for me! This article is simple, but it is written for each of you who I have had the privilege of teaching and for those of you who I will someday teach.

Joy And Energy

Joy And Energy

I met an amazing couple recently in Broad Beach - Melinda and Mark. It's always fun to be around people who have the unique, special energy that is contagious. Melinda has a smile and laugh that truly evokes enthusiasm. I was swept away by the raw energy that she and her husband, Mark, share for life, their kids, and their future together.