The other day I was working on a new project for a book series entitled Simple Strategies for a Complex World® at one of my favorite coffee shops in Venice Beach, California, and I noticed a man reading a pocket-sized book next to me. This piqued my curiosity as our new book series is designed to deliver life-changing content in “bite-size” bits of stories, quotes, and impactful strategies that are simple and easy to implement.
I decided to ask a simple question. “Excuse me, do you mind if I ask, do you often read a small book like the one you are holding?” His answer was yes. He went on to say that they are perfect for a person with a busy lifestyle. “I can grab one and enjoy learning in real time,” he said.
It turned out, Lucas was also an author and he has a new book being released in two months. Our conversation was spirited and engaging. We discussed the publishing industry, book promotion strategies, and social media campaigns.
I happened to have the cover art and the draft of our first Simple Strategies for a Complex World® book on my phone so I shared the info and asked for feedback. As we drank coffee he read through the narrative. When finished, he said the following five takeaways:
Powerful Subject: Attitude
Engaging Stories: Inspiring
Great Questions: Made Me Think
Impactful Tips: Actions To Take
Perfect Flow: Well Designed
Wow. I was so happy to hear this amazing feedback. Why? Because every word he said reinforced my intention for our new book series. We all need feedback and reinforcement as we pursue new goals and dreams. Random moments are the best.
More information about Simple Strategies for a Complex World® is coming soon!
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